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Cultural Information

Igala, known to the Igala people as “àbó ígálâ [àbóogálâ] in their language” is both an ethnic nationality and language (Ẹ̀jẹ̀bá 2016:1)[1]. Certain cultural groups such as the Bassa people maintain an Igala identity while other groups such as the Inoma or Ebu do not view themselves as Igala people (Ẹ̀jẹ̀bá 2016:2). These divergent identities result from different historical interactions between these groups and the Igala people of the Kogi State (Ẹ̀jẹ̀bá 2016)[1].

The Pear Story


The phonology of Igala consists of a mid sized inventory of consonants and vowels. Igala is a tonal language.

Phonological Inventory


The consonants in Igala are given below.

Igala Consonant Phonemes
  Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Postalveolar Palatal Velar Co-articulated velar labial Glottal
Plosive p b t d       k g    
Nasal m   n   ɲ ŋ    
Fricative               h
Affricate       tʃ dʒ        
Approximant w   ɹ tʃ dʒ j      
Lateral Approximant     l          


According to Ejeba, there are seven vowels in Igala. [1] The vowels in Igala are given below.

Igala Vowel Phonemes
  Front Central Back
High i   u
Mid ɛ e   o ɔ
Low a    


Syllables in Igala are in the form V, VC, or CVC. The maximal syllable in Igala is CVC.[1]

There are distributional restrictions on where each syllable can appear. CVC can only occur in isolated form. CV can occur word-initially, word-medially, word-finally, or in isolated form. V can occur in all cases except for word medially.

Vowel Hiatus


Main page: Tone


Igala is a dominantly isolating language. Igala does not make use of derivational or inflectional affixation.




Igala is a largely head-initial language. The basic word order of Igala is SVO (subject verb object)

Verb Phrases

Main page: Verb Phrases

Igala has multiple verb phrase constructions, such as serial verb constructions, split verbs, and cognate objects.

Noun Phrases

Main page: Noun Phrases

The determiner follows the head noun:

ɔ̋nɛ́kɛ̄lɛ́ l(ɛ) f(a) ītébùlù lɛ́ ī:
What does this mean Zoe :)


Possession is not morphologically marked (although may be marked tonally?).

Adjectives and Adverbs

Sentence-Final Particles

As described in Simpson, sentence final particles are “phonologically small elements, most frequently monosyllabic, which typically (and in most instances must) occur in final position.” ” Prior studies of the structural position of SFPs in Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Niger-Congo languages have observed SFPs are head-final elements sentence-finally in otherwise head-initial languages (Paul). This observation challenges the Final-over-Final constraint, first proposed by Holmberg in the year 2000. The FOFC states that a head-initial XP cannot be dominated by a head-final VP.

Example of Negation:

ű h(i) ɔ̀dʒ(e) àbátʃà ŋ̌
1SG cook morsel cassava NEG
‘I didn't cook mashed cassava’ (D:734).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ẹ̀jẹ̀bá, S. O. (2017). A grammar of Igala (Vol. 7). M & J Grand Orbit Communications.